
1. Paul concludes this powerful letter with instructions and greetings to both the church and various leaders that work with him.

2. The most important instruction Paul gives to everyone is to “pray” so that the Gospel may be “preached!”

Summary of Each Section:

v. 1, Paul concludes the instructions concerning social order by commanding the slave masters to be “right and fair.”

TAKE AWAY #1: No matter what position a Christian leader has in society (Politician, Employer, Manager, etc.) they must always treat people under their authority the way Jesus, their Master, treats them.


vs. 2-6, Paul instructs the believers to pray for both him and themselves so the Gospel may be preached properly and result in outsiders getting saved.

TAKE AWAY #2: We must always pray for (1) Our leaders: to be able to preach and teach the people correctly, (2) Ourselves: to be able to share with our neighbors the truth of Jesus without hypocrisy, and (3) Outsiders: to be open to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ with faith and genuine repentance.


vs. 7-18, Paul acknowledges the disciples who worked and traveled with him, (1) Tychicus (Acts 20:4): A minister who brought the Colossian letter to the people, (2) Onesimus (Philemon 1): A freed slave and convert from Paul’s “jail house ministry,” now also a minister under Paul who traveled with Tychicus,

(3) Aristarchus (Acts 19:29): A disciple of Paul from Thessalonica who traveled with him to many places, (4) John Mark (Acts 12:25): Cousin of Barnabas and traveling minister who once quit but was restored into Paul’s ministry, (5) Justus (Acts 18:7): A Jewish convert from the church in Corinth, (6) Epaphras (Col 1:7): A convert from Colossea who brought the Gospel to his people,

(7) Luke (Acts 16:10): A doctor from Antioch that converted and followed Paul and wrote extensively in Acts and Luke about Jesus and the Apostles, (8) Demas (2 Timothy 4:10): A disciple that eventually backslide for “loving the world,”

(9) Brothers at Laodicea (Col. 2:1): The leaders of the church in the neighboring city, (10) Nympha: Female leader of a house church most likely in Laodicea, and Lastly, (11) Archippus: A disciple in Colossea that was specifically named to “complete the work received from the Lord.”

TAKE AWAY #3: Be a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.  What will the leaders of your church write about you?  What will be your legacy?  Therefore, be a committed disciple that makes disciples!


Summary of Chapter 4:

1. Be kind and gracious in your leadership.

2. Be devoted to prayer for the sake of the Gospel.

3. Live the life of a faithful disciple that makes disciples!