Every school year as a pastor I am heart broken by what good godly parents must endure when it comes to their children’s public school education (my oldest will be starting next year, so pray for me too!) Parents share with me the pain of having to watch their kids deal with negative peer pressure (cursing, gangs), un-Christian books (Harry Potter), and endure educational perspectives with anti-god agendas (evolution).

Therefore, MPI church offers a solution to all the “secular madness”- King’s Kids Children Ministry- for kids ages infant to 11yrs old every Wednesday from 6:30p-8p. We use the Royal Ranger and Mpact program from the Assembly of God- its like, “boy/girl scouts for Jesus.”

Seriously, think about it- your kids will spend an average of 30 hours in school each week- why not have them spend 1:30min once a week with Jesus and His disciples?! Plus, parents can just drop off their kids and enjoy the night or catch up on the other stuff in the house! Well, you know the saying… “you can lead a horse to water, but can’t make em’ drink.” So atleast now you know!! Karate, dancing, soccer is good- but what are you kids doing for Jesus during the week?

If you think Sunday school is all they need… then ask yourself why isn’t the school just having class for one hour ever week? Also, think about how life groups encourage you throughout the week- think of Wednesdays as the kid’s life group!