“The Sermon on the Mount ends with four warnings, each offering paired contrasts: two ways (vv. 13- 14), two [kinds of prophets] (vv. 15- 20), two claims (vv. 21- 23), and two builders (vv. 24- 27). They focus on [end time] judgment and so make it plain that the theme is still the kingdom of heaven. But if some will not enter it (vv. 13- 14, 21- 23), the sole basis for such a tragedy is [the people’s] present response to Jesus ‘words.” (Excerpt from Expositor’s Bible Commentary). Today’s sermon is based on choosing the narrow gate which leads to everlasting life.


Matthew 7:13-14, “13 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”


  1. SERMON ON THE MOUNT: The longest single portion of Jesus’ teaching found in Matthew 5-7 that serves as the foundation of Christian morality and spiritual practice. #KingdomBasics 
  2. DISCIPLES: Born again committed students and followers of Jesus Christ.
  3. KINGDOM OF GOD/HEAVEN: The active rule and reign of Jesus in one’s life and upon the earth with kingdom blessings. The kingdom is all about the King!


  1. THE WIDE GATE LEADS TO DESTRUCTION AND MANY ENTER IT (v. 13): The wide gate represents the broad path of carrying one’s own beliefs, priorities, sins, and all other baggage. It is popular because man remains in control and does not have to yield his life to God. Some even today like AC/DC have made songs called, “Highway to Hell” that glorify it. Here are some of their lyrics, Livin’ easy, Lovin’ free. Season ticket on a one way ride. Askin’ nothin’, Leave me be. Takin’ everythin’ in my stride. Don’t need reason, Don’t need rhyme. Ain’t nothin’ that I’d rather do. Goin’ down, Party time. My friends are gonna be there too. I’m on the highway to hell.”
  2. THE NARROW GATE LEADS TO LIFE AND FEW FIND IT (v. 14): The narrow gate represents the way of discipleship because one can only enter in by dying to self and laying down all their baggage, Luke 9:23. The sad part is few find it because it is so costly. Consider the powerful song by S. Sundar Singh, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” that reflects the narrow path. I have decided to follow Jesus (repeat), No turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me (repeat), No turning back, no turning back. Though none go with me, still I will follow (repeat). No turning back, no turning back. Will you decide now to follow Jesus?? (repeat) No turning back, no turning back.”



  1. REJECT THE WIDE GATE: Make a decision to have faith in the words of Jesus and act upon them, Matthew 13:19 & Romans 10:9-17.
  2. FIND THE NARROW GATE AND STAY ON THE NARROW PATH: Choose to obey Jesus and remain faithful until the end, Luke 13:22-30 & Hebrews 12:1-3.