One time my Dad and I decided to walk home from the store while visiting my grandparents in southern Illinois. The lure of the walk was the beautiful green corn stalks, open farm land, and long country roads.

Needless to say, about 30 minutes into the 2 hour walk we got caught in a harsh summer storm. The clouds went black, the rain felt like pellets, and we could hardly see the cars coming down the road. Thankfully, we were able to find an ole’ farm house that had a nice porch. We made our way over and asked if we could sit on the porch until the storm passed. To our relief they said yes, because that’s what good country folk do- help their neighbors! Sure enough the storm passed, the clouds turned blue and that summer sun went to shining again and so we continued our walk home being thankful for the kindness of a stranger.

Do you feel today like you’re in a bad storm- maybe one you never saw coming? Do you wish you could just step out of the rain and find rest? Today, God says to you- “I am your shelter from the storm!” I invite you to come on the Lord’s porch and make yourself comfortable- there’s a place just for you. I’ve been there many times and I’m grateful to point the way to any who need it. Just right over there in your prayer closet, yes, in that place of worship and study of God’s Word- even with His people, you’ll find the porch of God’s rest.

So to all those going through trials today- come on over to Jesus and find shelter from the storm!

Isaiah 25:4, “You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat…”