Because our church, by God’s grace, has close to 80% involvement in discipleship (155 out of 200 youth/adults) around 10% feel called to full-time ministry (17 students for the Fall 2017 Quarter).

Metro Praise International church now averages around 250 people in two Sunday services. The breakdown is as follows:

  1. 50 (20%) are under 11yrs old.
  2. 50 (20%) are between 12-18yrs old.
  3. 150 (60%) are between 19yrs old and older.

Now compare these stats to today’s current mega churches (2,000 attendees of more). If they were maintaining our same stats at a 2,000 member church with 1,600 youth/adults, the following would be true:

1. They’d have around 1,280 people in discipleship.


2. They’d have around 160 people in full-time Bible college from within the church (not counting outside recruiting).

Please show me one mega-church in the U.S. with these stats (or better) and I will personally give $250 to a missionary of their choice. Acts 2:47, “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

p.s. If you think we can’t do at 2,000- watch us. And btw, they told us we couldn’t do it past 200 before!

It’s time we build discipleship based churches again from the ground up!