Practicing Peace
If you are like me, you love having peace of mind. However, sometimes in life, keeping your peace is difficult because the brain can easily …
If you are like me, you love having peace of mind. However, sometimes in life, keeping your peace is difficult because the brain can easily …
The feelings of fear can effect everyone in one way or another. Whether it’s someone being afraid of flying, a nervousness before an import day …
Today on social media and in various comparative religion classes many try to claim that Jesus was either a legend borrowed from pagan myth or …
There have been many good teachers that have come and gone throughout human history. However, only one had just as many miraculous events in their …
C.S. Lewis wrote in Mere Christianity, “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready …
How we answer this question changes everything. If Jesus was just a man that lived and died then Christianity is false. C.S. Lewis said, “Christianity, if false, …
Without putting down people who choose to do things for Lent (fasting, not eating meat, etc.), which is getting more and more popular in Protestant …
I would like to start today’s series ending message with a powerful poem from Annie Johnson, 1866-1932. Her mother died at 23 years old while …
With over 50,000 thoughts racing through your mind each day, your thought life truly determines your real life. As a man thinks, so is he. …
After studying social media at Trinity as apart of my doctoral studies for the class, Preaching & Culture, something struck me as odd, and even grieving, …