As a child I was always expected to be in church every Sunday. Even if I wasn’t feeling well. Only if I was really sick was I allowed to stay home- and in all my years I can’t remember if that ever happened once. My parents taught me to go bed early and make sure to be ready in the morning. Calling in sick the night before was unheard of. I was told to wait until morning to see how I felt after a good night’s sleep- and 99.99% of the time I was well enough to be in God’s house.

I was taught that we honored God every Sunday. Whether it was being a greeter, playing in the band, helping with the kids- we were taught to all do our part. Meaning, we didn’t plan family functions instead of church, play sports in am, or simply take it lightly. But rather we believed that God expected us to be faithful to our post and that each person every Sunday makes a difference.

Whether its the friend that we might bring or the person we can encourage that God will have sit next to us. I was taught both as a child and as a young man to make every Sunday count. Hence the reason why some ole’ schoolers like Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby refuse to even have their multi-billion-dollar stores open on the Lord’s Day.

Paul said in Ephesians 4:12-13 that the five-fold ministry (the leaders) are, “to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.. until we all reach unity in the faith.” Please consider those very important words by the Apostle Paul. We as leaders, everyone of us, are to “equip,” “build up,” and help everyone “reach unity in the faith.”

How Every Sunday is Numbered

Let me make this practical. Take for example if you got saved at 18 years old like me and lived to be 80 years old- you would only have a total of 3,224 Sundays/weeks to go to church (62yrs x 52 weeks). Think about that! You could count to 3,224 in just 30min. This time is going to fly by. Now that I am 36 years old, I only have 2,288 Sundays left (80yrs-36yrs=44, 44yrs x 52 weeks). And we are not even promised tomorrow- so really none of us know when our last Sunday will be!

Here is another way to think about it. I will only have 18 years of taking Lucas to church every week to instill in him the world view of Jesus in a vibrant community. That is only 936x (18yrs x 52 weeks).

Now compare your church attendance to your job or school attendance. You will spend literally tens of thousands of more hours at your job then you ever will in church. For example, if you work a full time job from 25-65yrs old (40 years) you will have gone to work 10,400x (52weeks x 5days a week x 40yrs). On the other hand you will have only gone to church in that same time just 2,080x! That is literally 4x more days on the job then in God’s house!

Ofcourse, some committed disciples might do more for God with life groups, discipleship, and the like. But Sundays are the only time we are truly able to represent heaven on earth as one unified Body. Therefore, let God make your Sundays on this earth count!

Hebrews 10:24-25, “24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another —and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Things That literally Happen EVERY Sunday in A Good Church

  1. People are saved
  2. Marriages are healed/restored
  3. People are set free from sin
  4. The weak in faith are made strong
  5. The discouraged are encouraged
  6. The lonely are comforted
  7. Dry vessels are filled
  8. Spiritual gifts are manifested
  9. The sick are healed
  10. Callings are received
  11. Friendships are bonded together
  12. Families are empowered
  13. Children are raised in the love of God
  14. The community is impacted
  15. The poor are cared for
  16. The Gospel is preached
  17. Captives are set free
  18. Deep hurts are healed
  19. The Word of God gives direction
  20. The people of God glorify God in holiness
  21. Addictions are broken
  22. Iron is sharpened
  23. Accountability is given
  24. Love is shared
  25. Jesus is present

Sundays are more than just a day off to occasionally spend in a building with people of similar beliefs. Sundays are the only time we are truly able to represent heaven on earth as one unified Body.