Here are some things the Lord has been teaching me as of late- I hope it can encourage someone!

  1. Just because I’m “real” doesn’t mean I have to be “rude.”
  2. When I shut something down or change direction, it doesn’t mean I’m a quitter- it just means its time to do something new.
  3. Sometimes the hard way is the only way.
  4. Good things in life take time and hard work… and those who show up at the end generally think I had it “too easy” because they missed the first part of the journey.
  5. People with longevity inspire me and win my trust and respect over those with outstanding gifts and talents but are only a “flash in the pan.”
  6. People who hide things from me, usually hide from me.
  7. I was accused of being too harsh when I didn’t watch TV, play videos, or have hobbies. Now that I watch TV, play video games, and have hobbies some people now think I’m too soft.
  8. Acts of service are my love language in the church because flattering the preacher has never won a soul or made a disciple.
  9. Our pastoral elder staff is 10x more mature then I was at their age and when people try to bypass them and come directly to me it reminds me that their lack of discernment is probably one of the reasons they needed a pastor to help them in the first place.
  10. At 36 I’ve already forgotten more than I’d like to admit, so I’m starting to write more things down- so please forgive me if I seem obsessed with writing!