Dear World Changers,

Thank you for all your financial support this past year as we, “Loved GOD and Loved PEOPLE!” Your gifts of generosity made the difference and allowed us to “CONNECT people to the cross,” “MENTOR disciples,” and “SEND out leaders to disciple and evangelize the nations.” In 2021, we baptized 36 new believers, we ended the year with 160 committed disciples, we averaged over 200 in our services with some reaching close to 300, we ordained 7 new disciple-making deacons, and 4 new elders. As of today, we have a church with over 70% of our attendees in discipleship thus we are fulfilling the Great Commission- Praise the Lord!

We added 5 new thriving life groups in 2021 for a total of 16 life groups altogether hitting a monthly average of 389. By God’s grace we graduated 3 students from SUM Bible College into full-time ministry. Through the leading and power of the Holy Spirit, we started our own tuition-free Bible college, Legacy Ministry College; we currently have 24 students and more signed up for the spring trimester. God is good! Plus, throughout 2021, we have been faithful in preaching the gospel across the City of Chicago with our ministry truck. We also rejoice in God’s faithfulness for our church plants in both Dallas and Miami!

To fund the ministry, we graciously received $431,780.31 in tithes and offering. We raised $33,259.71 for missions to touch the world with the love of Jesus. We as a church, gave away $71,539.87 to help show the Kingdom of God in a tangible way in our community, around the U.S., and abroad, and gave our Dallas church plant $40,885.30. We graciously received and sold a property given to us as an offering which has gone to fund our Dallas church.

By God’s grace, we recorded our first worship album, we hosted two powerful conferences, “In Him,” and “Jesus is God,” and participated in our annual Puerto Rican Fest Outreach where we blessed the community with free school supplies, food, and preached the gospel! God truly met our needs and gave us more than enough. Thank you for all your love and support this past year and we pray that God will richly bless you with the desires of your heart as you seek first His Kingdom and righteousness. Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Loving God and People,

MPI Financial Committee Metro Praise International Chicago, IL.


  1. End of the Year Letter in PDF
  2. End of the Year Report in PDF
  3. Detailed 2021 Profit and Loss Report in PDF

Please email us at [email protected] if you have further questions.